Thursday, April 29, 2010

早安。晨之美 =)

早安 早安 早安 早安 ♥
呵呵. 好久好久 没那么早起身了
每天在家 吃吃吃 没运动 怎么行?
昨晚睡前 兴致勃勃 要姑姑今天叫醒我 因为... 因为...
我要去 晨跑 !! 对 !晨跑! ^^
一个人去,很semangat吧? =P
回到家 准备 早餐 面包+汉堡肉 再来杯热茶 ♥
我的人生是美好的 每天都会是个好的开始
一年之计在于春 一日之计在于晨 ♥
享受 生活
开心也得过一天 伤心也得过一天
我选择 开开心心 地过 ♥
又看透了 一些事 现在 还不算迟
防备心 何必那么强? 并没人会伤害你
那面墙 太厚了 没人进到 没有人
曾经一度 疑惑 懊恼 对人好 人家并没看在眼里 何必 那么傻呢?
懂了 对人好 并不是 要求得到一样的回报
现在 相信 只要 真诚的对待人 他们会感受到的 =)
其实 每个人都感受得到 只是 表面上他们不去 承认 哈哈 这固执的人类
还有 我不会讨厌 不会恨 那些不了解我的人
生气别人 就等于 拿别人的过错来惩罚自己
聪明的我 是不会做这些 傻事的 lalalalala

注:你不认识这人 并不代表 她是虚伪的 Whatever she wrote, she really MEAN it. ^^ ♥

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Jobless people's Masterpiece =)

Yes! I'm just too free.You have no no no idea! =P For those (G13 members) who are not in the video, sorry yaa. I wanted to insert the pic that took at class. But too bad! I straightly save from FB but its become Small n Blur. I don't know why. =( Anyway,love this video yaaa! Come on! Like it!Hoho. ^^ ♥

Yeahoo! Hoooliday ♥

I'm gonna enjoy this holiday very very well for sure. =P
Hoho! I had a eventful busy day yesterday.

Yea,I drove to college for my very very first time.Of course for other people is worthless to keep mentioning.

But! I do.bluekkk! Cause this is my first time to drive so so far.Indeed!Really farrr.arhhhh! Is tiring seriously!

I seldom drive long distance by myself. Don't talk about KL even Klang also just drive a few times.And my sense of direction is really hopeless! hoho.So embarrassing! =P

And this really a unforgettable experiences for me. lalala.^^♥

Of course I drove some wrong way,and mistaken road!But no worries cause I can read MALAY. And I able to handle that. =P

No need to worry get lost all you need is fill your tank full and prepare your cellphone beside. Google maps can helps! Or pay a cab ask them to lead you. If the situation really that bad! Call 999.No problems! xDDD

See! I can list out the way of solution.Hoho.My holy Papa! No need to worry I will get lost. =) Just that I will take a bit longer time to reach my destination! haha. Of course drive safe!

One thing I have to say. The road signboard is really.......x.x Come on! Do some improvement on that! It is not user friendly.

I'm not trying to show off or whatever just to share!share share! you know? sharing is caring ^^

There's nothing to so proud of indeed! just felt happy that I able to solve thing myself! such as I don't know the road so I Google it the day before, do some research ask people about that. =) At least I put effort on it~! I did! ♥

人生 就好像驾车 来到交叉点 分叉路口 你得做决定 做错决定 别后悔 因为 这是你自己 选的做的 你可以回头 若你要 只是 在回到原点的这条路 有点漫长 不要气馁 不要放弃 你可以回到你要的 只是在于 你肯不肯 花点心思 用点耐性 ♥

# 喜欢 放"♥" 不懂为何 就是喜欢看到它 它让整个句子看起来 很有亲切感.呵呵.I'm weird blueekkk! Just being myself! ^^

Thank YOU.GB♥

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

幸福。简单 ♥

幸福 其实可以很简单

对我而言 幸福 不需要太复杂 简简单单就可以了
就好比说 喝一碗热呼呼的汤 真好!^^
吃口榴莲 也可以 幸福洋溢 会说 世界真美好 因为有了它 它是人间极品 ! xDD
饭后来支冰淇淋 就很有满足感了 哪怕是最普通的 30仙的也可以很美味=P
在家 穿着宽宽旧旧的睡衣 最最最舒服了!
在家 听到家人 叫你的外号 心中莫名的感到开心 很窝心
当我看到桌上摆满我为他们准备的菜肴 呵呵....好有满足感!^^
最开心就是当他们对我说 你真好 煮这给我们吃 =)
和家人在一起 坐在一起 闲聊 说说 笑笑 那感觉很棒
虽然有时会有些争执 但人与人总会有摩擦的时候 很多时候转个头什么事都没了 忘了

为何现在的人 一定要把世界弄得很复杂? 就不能简单一点吗?
人人 把名利看得比自己重要 可笑
对 无可否认 现在的世界 若你没身份 没地位 说句话 都是逆耳的 没人会听 会理
但为什么 要将都是人的地位区分成好几种? 什么上流社会 什么低层次 荒藐!为什么就不能 人人平等?

我讨厌别人爱乱下定论 有时候事实并不是你所看到的 
请用您精明的头脑分析分析 观察观察 ^^

话说 两年就这样过去了 一班同班朋有就这样 分散了 说没有不舍得是骗人的
不管我之前多么的不满那些是非 但 他们毕竟是班很好 很玩得的朋友 和他们去玩 是最开心的 =)
对不起 之前是我太执着了 太敏感 太介意 原因是我不喜欢说别人是非 所以我也不希望 别人说我=P
但这都过去了 我也已将那些不该存在的问题给 删除了 
所以 我会永远记住你们这班人 ♥
两年学院的回忆 都是最美好的.谢谢你们 :)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Nice Song ^^

When we first met I never felt something so strong
You were like my lover and my best friend
All wrapped in one with a ribbon on it
And all of a sudden you went and left
I didn't know how to follow
It's like a shock that spun me around
And now my heart's dead
I feel so empty and hollow

And I'll never give myself to another the way I gave it to you
You don't even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?
It's gonna take a miracle to bring me back
And you're the one to blame
And now I feel like....oh!
You're the reason why I'm thinking
I don't wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more
I guess that's what I get for wishful thinking
Should've never let you enter my door

Next time you wanna go on and leave
I should just let you go on and do it

Rihanna- Rehab =)